Arthritis Care

SBJH is a frontrunner in Arthritis Care, providing the best and most effective course of treatment for Arthritis.

Arthritis is a life changing illness. It makes simple activities painful and difficult. Rheumatoid Arthritis and Osteoarthritis are the most common types of arthritis

There is no formal cure for most forms of Arthritis, but it can be managed efficiently. At SBJH, we provide patients with clear and accurate information about Arthritis, giving them the tools they need to manage the disease and live a full life.

Our goal is to create awareness about Arthritis, having conducted over 1000 camps and educational programmes on Arthritis. We observe “World Arthritis Day” annually and campaign vigorously to spread the awareness of Arthritis.

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid Arthritis is a chronic autoimmune disease that causes swelling in several joints, particularly in the hands and the feet. It is a very common disease amongst women in India. Rheumatoid Arthritis can cause permanent physical deformities, if it is not diagnosed early and aggressively treated.

Soundarapandian Bone and Joint Hospital has been the pioneer in treating Rheumatoid Arthritis. We offer world-class treatment options for people suffering with RA. We have a team of Doctors, Physiotherapists and dieticians who will holistically look at the best options for each patient individually. This includes medication, diet (vegan diet), physiotherapy, and Whole Body Cryotherapy in the early stages. Other forms of treatment include chemical synovectomy through special injections and surgery.

In the very late stages of RA we perform:

These advanced Surgeries dramatically improve the quality of life of people with advanced RA.